Hi, I'm Aaiza!

A product designer who strives to create meaningful experiences and thrives in collaborative spaces. I'm a designer who codes.

Latest Projects

Product Design @Unit21

Fighting Check Fraud through Enhanced Investigation Process

Product Design @Dozr

Engaging Suppliers to respond to customer orders in time

Designing for community

Designing an enterprise solution that helps provide medical treatment for those in need

Designing for community

Creating an immersive museum visiting experience for young enthusiasts

Hey there! 

I'm Aaiza, a Product Designer who also writes code.

I'm Aaiza, an impact-driven Product Designer with the goal to create delightful experiences and move the world forward.

Product Design Internship

01 - Digitalizing the $60B Heavy Equipment Rental industry

Designing the ecosystem that helps contractors easily rent equipment online

(Coming Soon)

Designing for a non-profit

01 - Systemizing Case Management

Web solution that systemizes the process of managing Clinical Cases for patients who can't afford regular medical treatment

Designing for my community

02 - TobyX

An AR-powered mobile app solution to enrich museum visiting experience for young adults

Developing front-end

03 - Self-Serve Onboarding

A React-based Self-Serve flow to onboard Service Partners onto ResQ's platform
